Thursday, March 1, 2012


Today was my first class to my fellow yogis here at training.  I feel like a jumbled mess right about now.  I know that you have to learn and make mistakes to get better, but that doesn't stop me from feeling critical of myself right now.  Unfortunately I miss calculated my time, so when I looked at the clock I just figured for a 60 min class forgetting the math was for 75 I short changed my class by 15 minutes.  I just got freaked out in my head and let the panic rule me.  It's ok, I know I will get better, more comfortable with everything.  It's just really hard when you feel like you are being watched and judged on your performance.  It brings up silly emotions for me and makes me feel disappointment.  I need to let it go, but that is much easier said than done!  This training has been incredible and I have been learning so many things.  It has become sort of an overload feeling for me at this point.  Luckily tomorrow is a half day for us.  We have class only until lunch and then all afternoon to do whatever we please.  I'm signed up for the snorkeling trip.  Getting into the water to swim will make me feel better.  Also since I wake up early anyways, I'm thinking an early morning walk to the beach for the sunrise might also help me clear my head.  Have to find my inner warrior and move forward, next class I teach is Sunday! 


  1. Hi its Ashley your first cousin! So first off since its my comment on your blog I should say I have been enjoying following it and seeing all the beautiful pictures. Now I just wanted to comment that I have felt the same way when I have been practicing alone for my band class with my band teacher as well as when I conducted the junior high band infront of him. I remember feeling like I must be doing everything wrong and it took me a while to just relax and basically remember that I just love playing the saxophone and music. I know that you will succeed and even though it sounds like your first time as teacher wasn't as much as a success as you hoped for you will use it to succeed as you continue on. I'm also going to be doing the same at my school when a teacher I help lets me teach his seventh grade class for a day. So to both of us good luck and I hope you enjoy climbing this mountain you have chosen to climb


  2. Ashley, you are the sweetest cousin!!! Thank you for the words of encouragement and love. It is true that when you really love doing something it shows. And with practice we will be great at sharing the things we love in life. I am so proud of you for being so mature and filled with passion! Glad you have enjoyed reading my blogs =) Good luck with teaching the seventh grade class...I will think of you this Sunday when I have my next teaching experience. Thank you for making me feel better when I needed it most <3

